Monday, May 4, 2009

Ethan making Caroline laugh

This was a first! Lately, Caroline has been watching and observing a lot, watching Jason and I eat dinner, watching Ethan eat, and watching him play as well. She's been following me (Mom) as I put spoon to plate then to mouth, then mimicking the chewing motion. But up until now, she never really laughed as Ethan ran amouck around her....that is, until today. Caroline didn't seem to want to go to bed at her usual bedtime (7:15pm sharp) so I brought her into Ethan's bedroom while he got ready for bed. He had just gotten out of the bath, so he was all fired up. He was bouncing and jumping around his room, making all sorts of goofy sounds. Well, Caroline was sitting in Jason's lap, and was watching Ethan as he played, then laughed and laughed hysterically! It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Ethan went up to his sister, and gave her a hug, saying "she's my little sister!" --- all the while, Caroline was trying to take Ethan's hand and hold it. I just wish I caught this on tape, but all of the good moments always seem to happen off camera.